Parallel Worlds

"Parallel Worlds" - a nonprofit SVSSS flipped-style zine focusing on the fated relationships between BingQiu and BinggeYuan throughout all universes.


What is a zine?
A zine (short for fanzine) is an unofficial publication produced by fans.
What are the zine specifications?
The physical zine will be A5 and hardcover, in a flipped format.
The content rating is SFW and PG-13.
We will be looking for page artists, merch artists, spot artists, and writers for this project.
What is a "flipped" zine?
Also called reversible books or doubles, flipped books are designed to be read from both ends. For "Parallel Worlds", one half will be focused on BingQiu, and when you flip the physical zine over, the other half will be focused on BinggeYuan! The best of both worlds - all in one book!
What is the theme for this zine?
This zine is centered around the fated relationships between BingQiu and BinggeYuan throughout all universes.
Will there be a digital release of the zine?
Upon completion of the project, the zine PDF will be posted for public viewing and personal use.
Are ships allowed in this zine?
In addition to BingQiu / BinggeYuan - - all and any platonic relationships are welcome, and side-character ships are allowed as long as they adhere to SFW guidelines.
Will this project be for-profit?
This project will be entirely nonprofit. Consumers will be paying the base unit price for production, shipping/packing supplies, shipping cost, and additional fees. The cost for funding contributor bundles will also be included into the final buying price. We hope everyone can understand that this project would not be possible without our contributors and moderators, who are a vital part of actually producing the zine and merch! Leftover funds, if any, will be donated to the Palestine Children's Relief Fund.
How will contributors be compensated for their participation?
All contributors will receive a full bundle, shipping included. Additional merchandise will be offered at base production cost.
Can I apply for more than one position?
You are free to apply to any position(s), but note that you will only be accepted for one.
What are the contributor expectations?
- Page artists: 1 illustration
- Merch artists: 2 merch designs
- Writers: 2.5k ~ 3k word fic
- Spot Artists: spot art for at least 2 fics
Is this a limited-edition project? / Will there be reprints or reruns after the initial sales period?
Yes, this is a limited-edition project. As of now, we do not have plans to print the zine or merch items again.
Will merch be available for purchase individually outside of bundles?
Physical merchandise will only be available through the offered bundles during the preorder period.
Where is this project shipping from?
Shipping will take place from the USA.
Who are the mods for this project?
The mods for this zine are Kim, Tea, Kuro, An, and Pong. Feel free to learn more about the mods in the mod section.
Have more questions?
Feel free to drop any more questions in our email or social media DMs, and we will get back to you as soon as we can!


Interest CheckJune 1-30
Contributor ApplicationsJuly 10 - August 15
Application ResultsAugust 25
Acceptance DeadlineSeptember 1
Concept CheckSeptember 15
Check-In 1October 12
Check-In 2November 2
Check-In 3November 23
Final SubmissionsDecember 14
Preorder PeriodJanuary/February
Production PeriodFebruary ~ April
Shipping PeriodMay/June
Leftover SalesTBD
Project WrappedTBD

*Schedule is subject to change.


Click on each image for more info!


GENERAL GUIDELINES- All submissions must be SFW. Applications containing NSFW will be disregarded.- All links must be accessible to the mods. If you submit a Google Drive file, please ensure it is publicly viewable.- SVSSS samples are encouraged, but not required.- All applicants must be at least 18 years of age.

ARTIST SPECIFICATIONS- Submit 3 individual pieces that best represent your art style. At least 1 piece must be fully rendered with a full background. Please do not submit WIPS or sketches.- Submit link to art/illustration portfolio.- Your application will be judged based on your overall ability and understanding of perspective, anatomy, and color theory.

MERCH ARTIST SPECIFICATIONS- Submit 3 individual pieces that best represent the art style you wish to create merchandise in.- Submit link to art/merchandise portfolio.- Your application will be judged based on your overall ability and intuition for creating unique & eye-catching designs that are well-suited for making merchandise.

WRITER SPECIFICATIONS- Submit 3 individual samples that best showcase your writing style.- Submit link to writing portfolio. Ao3 links are accepted.- The maximum word count per sample is 2,500 words, for an overall maximum of 7,500 words.- Your application will be judged based on your overall ability and style. Key points of focus will include: characterization, flow, plot, grammar, and mechanics.- Writers will be expected to collaborate with a spot artist for their fic.

SPOT ARTIST SPECIFICATIONS- Please view examples of spot art here.- Submit 3 individual pieces that are character or object-focused, without full background.- Submit link to art portfolio.- Your application will be judged based on your overall ability and style. Key points of focus will include: color theory, style consistency, and composition.- Spot artists will be expected to work with 2 writers and create at least 2 pieces of spot art for each fic.